Teacher Recharge Digital Course

Our digital course is packed with tools and strategies teachers can easily implement to navigate the demands of the work with more energy and satisfaction.

Coming Soon…

The Teacher Recharge Toolkit helps teachers like you fill your teacher toolbox with strategies to keep your battery charged. Teaching is full of challenges, and you can learn to navigate the challenges in ways that light you up instead of burn you out. This course gives you transformational tools and strategies you can use to stay energized and engaged in the work. Yes, you can impact lives and still have a life.

Course Modules

Your Teacher Battery: Get to know your personal battery chargers and drains

Recharger 1: Regulating - Understand and manage big emotions

Recharger 2: Reframing - Catch, challenge, and change unhelpful thoughts

Recharger 3: Relating - Build strong, supportive relationships

Recharger 4: Reflecting - Learn from experiences and celebrating growth

Re-envisioning: Create your individual battery recharge plan

Join the pre-launch list to get:

  • Free earlybird access to Module One

  • Free Quick Energizers for Educators guide

  • Bonus videos and resources