Jessinia Remembers Ms. Carter

When I got my schedule on the first day of tenth grade, I noticed that my second period class was Biology with a new teacher named Carter. I walked into class expecting to see Mr. Carter. I was surprised to be greeted at the door by Ms. Carter, a young woman of color.

Soon after the bell rang, Ms. Carter passed out blank sheets of paper and asked us to draw a scientist. Most of us drew older men with crazy hair and glasses, like Einstein. Ms. Carter followed that exercise with a series of slides showing acclaimed scientists of many different racial, ethnic, and gender identities. My mind was blown.

As a young woman of color myself, I had never even considered a career in the sciences. Ms. Carter became an important mentor and advocate for me. She helped me get into college where I majored in organic chemistry. I eventually earned my PhD, and now I try to pay it forward by encouraging other young women to consider paths they never believed were possible.

I hope Jessinia’s story helped you see how much your work matters.


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