Chloe Remembers Mrs. Gladden

I always had mixed emotions at the beginning of a new school year, simultaneously excited and nervous. I wondered if I would like my teacher, if my teacher would like me, and if I would enjoy learning with my new classmates. I remember my first day of fourth grade because my teacher, Mrs. Gladden, had a creative way of addressing my wonderings and fears.

That day started like every other first day. We put our supplies away, introduced ourselves, and learned about the rules and procedures. But just before lunch, Mrs. Gladden pulled out the Question Box, and she gave us each a few index cards. We could write any question about our new teacher or new class and drop it in the box. We didn’t have to put our name on our questions; so, I didn’t worry so much about whether my questions would seem silly to others.

At the end of the day, Mrs. Gladden patiently answered every question in the box. We learned that she never yells (except at her son’s football games). We learned she tries not to give too much homework, and she rotates the classroom helpers. Looking back, I realize that I learned more about her from her choice to elicit questions and provide reassurance than I did from any answer she gave. I’m a teacher now, and I bring out my own Question Box every first day of a new school year.

I hope Chloe’s story helped you see how much your work matters.


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